When Joss Met Matt – Ellie Cahill

March 29, 2018

Overall Rating: 4

Brief Summary of the Storyline: Joss and Matt have been friends since freshman year of college, meeting one night after Joss is dumped by her boyfriend. After a few drinks, he come up with a proposition: Sorbet Sex. No strings attached sex to cleanse the relationship palate.  In return, she’ll do the same for him. Their number one rule: They’ll never fall in love with each other. Seven years later, Joss and Matt are still the best of friends and a lot of sorbet sex has occurred.

Image result for sorbet gif

Overall Opinion: This was such a cute story. Even though it was evident to me that sorbet sex would go wrong….so very badly, I still wanted to see how it would tank. The reflection and build up of their relationship made me feel like I was listening to and reliving their story. There was some good dialog and it made me love reading the story.

POV: Joss

Overall Pace of Story: The back and forth between past and present helped the flow of the story stay consistent. It did give a good build up.

Instalove: No

H rating: 4, I gave him the 4th star for even thinking up sorbet sex. My motto is ‘ye have not because ye ask not’.

h rating: 3, for being stupid enough to agree. Sorry I’m a bit bias. It really is a stupid idea.

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Worthy to Remember: The confession in the elevator and when his Dad died.

Major Issues: 1. Everyone knows the idea of sorbet sex sounds nice but you know it will never work. So I knew where this would lead. Seven years…you know someone had to catch feelings.

Just because it just bothered me: The back and forth between now and the past. It did keep the story interesting but I’m the type of reader that puts a book down for days and then come back. It was a bit difficult to remember ‘when’ it was.

Sadness level: eh not really

Descriptive Sex: Not too much

Closure: I guess if you want to call that ending closure.

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